Visits to battlefields
The Irish Brigade website is delighted to provide overviews and photographs of some of the Irish Brigade battlefields during the Second World War.
Filming in Italy: May 2019.
Filming in Sicily: June 2018.
Filming in Tunisia: March 2018.
Tunisian Battlefields, Bou Arada/Stuka Ridge: January/February 1943.
From Termoli to the Moro River: October 5th to December 5th 1943.
Liri Valley: March 21st to May 31st 1944.
The view toward Monte Cassino and Pt 593 from Monte Castellone
Many thanks to the members of Associazione Linea Gustav for their continuing historical research and unceasing work to honour the memory of the men who served in the Liri Valley.
Monte Cassino, including the battlefield of Operation Diadem on 15-17 May 1944.
The view from Cassino War Cemetery towards Monastery Hill
The Sanfatucchio Ridge and the Lake Trasimene area, 21-25 June 1944.
The view towards Lake Trasimene from Panicale
The ‘O’ Group of the 2nd Battalion London Irish Rifles, near the Cassino to Pignatoro road, on the afternoon of 15th May 1944 as described to the artist David Rowlands by Lt-Col Horsfall.
To obtain prints of this painting, visit the website of the artist: